We headed out of Dodge to venture with some more Dunbar Hooligans this past weekend. It was a quick trip, probably the shortest one ever and we will never do that again, 2 days is just not enough for these little guys to be together. Bu as always they had a blast.
Our 1st morning just hanging… 

Check out those legs! We wouldn’t want to get our pant bottoms wet.

We headed to a Pond for the afternoon and then to see a fireworks show displayed over the pond. People this is as close to camping as it gets for this Dunbar. Just a friendly reminder for all you “friends” who are trying to get us out to nature.

It looks very serene from this point but just around the bend, there were a lot of “colorful”people out to enjoy a holiday weekend, if you know what I mean. And that big splash out there in the pond is the other Mr. Dunbar. 

Still rocking the Ergo.

My SIL rocks with healthy food. Junk food doesn’t even enter into her menu. She packed rotisserie chicken, fresh pineapple, raspberries, a whole slew of peppers, carrots, hummus, and two kinds of salad. Per my request a bag of tortilla chips and some chocolate chip cookies were thrown in. It was all devoured.

Only Baby #3 would get away with this! The bottle was promptly removed post-picture.

Until lovely cousin here decided to share again. 
The big boys passed around a football.

The little boys turned sticks into guns.

The other Mrs. Dunbar made funnies at the camera.

By the end of the day this Mommy felt just like this!