Monkey led the way this morning, taking his brother by the hand and guiding them towards VBS. I couldn’t get my camera fast enough to capture these sweet moments of brotherly love. Trying to weave in and out of people, while holding the Sailor, and finding the proper position with my 50mm prime lens attached. (ie I was the zoom.)

Donning their new t-shirts, of Galactic Hope.

Hangin with buds. (Even though I didn’t heed my own picturing taking advice; take one shot and make sure your settings are correct. Mine were in TV mode and the ISO was so high these two look all grainy. Ah, well. )

Vacation Bible School.
It’s a weird compilation of words, if you really think about it. Vacation and School sandwiching the Bible? Hmmm??? So what does it really all mean? And why-o-why is it such an integral part of summer?
These were some of my thoughts as I drove away from dropping my boys off this morning. Boys, as in plural, as in I got rid of TWO of them this morning.
Hallelujah. (Freedom from two, was of course, my initial thought.)
But back to my contemplating… Over a thousand kids attend this VBS. Its the best program in our city. And its thrilling to see so many families sending their kids this way. The streets and intersections were backed up for over two long blocks in the morning, parents in their cars trying to get their kids to VBS on time. I wanted to sign several parents up for VBS themselves, as the rude driving was prevalent on the streets outside the church walls. But I was so thrilled to be leaving TWO kids, that the rude driving went to the wayside. When I got home I started thinking about what it really meant to leave Monkey and Bogie there at VBS. Gaining independence? Sure. Fun times? Of course. Learning the Gospel? Most certainly. Hmmm…. now we’re getting somewhere. My kids are going to get five days of fun activities centered on the Gospel. More than a thousand kids are getting “churched” in a fun interactive environment. That’s some serious stuff.
And as I was folding laundry, thankful that I had gotten to drop off TWO kids, I just started praying for them. That they would learn of the God of the universe, that they would see His love through others. That they would understand that this great day camp, is truly about seeing and knowing Jesus. And I was so grateful for all of the volunteers who have dedicated their time this week to making this happen. My heart just swelled. Because if you could see all of the details and planning that have gone into making this week a success, you’d know that teams upon teams of people have poured their time, talent, and hearts into this week. For my kids. For the thousand kids who have shown up.
And then reality hit because I had to go change a poopy diaper.
But my brain kept going… Today I want my boys to be excited to head to VBS. I love to see the thrill of adventure in their eyes, their anticipation of fun games and tasty treats, and I want them to see God. To know Him.

They are still so young, but their hearts and minds are so impressionable.
That’s why VBS is so important. It envelopes kids in love.
Jesus’ love.
It gives hope in huge amounts.
Galactic sized Hope.
~mrs. dunbar