I played musical beds last night, more so than I usually do...
11:01pm Turn off light and snuggle under covers of MY bed.
12:01 am Bogie crying, go check on him in HIS bed.
12:30am Bogie crying again, check on him in HIS bed.
2:30am Bogie crying again, feed him in HIS room. (I couldn't climb into the crib.)
3:24 am I hear "Mommy, do you want to come lay with me?" Head over to Monkey's room, climb into HIS bed.
5:30 Bogie crying agin, go to his room, take him back to MY bed to feed him.
7:30am Another body climbing over me, Monkey tells me "I will snuggle in your bed."
3 months ago
Sounds like my house with two little boys!
Ahhh...musical beds. Story of my life. What is it? At some point, I just give in to get some sleep. I find it interesting that "Daddy" never hears the crying.
OMG- are you telling me that I won't be sleeping anymore??? How will I possibly do that and work?????? I do need at least 8 hours of sleep to function. Does that also mean no more sleeping in? Why didn't anyone warn me of this before?
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