Saturday morning however, I couldn't find my handbag. I looked everywhere for it. You know, tossing sofa cushions, looking in closets, under beds, in the dirty clothes. Everywhere, but to no avail. None. I called my cell phone and it went directly to voicemail. Hmmmm. That was odd, since I had just charged it on Friday afternoon. I kept looking. All of the menfolk around here had headed out and it was just me in the house to look for my handbag. That I had just had in my possession a few hours before.
(The boys on the way out to their Daddy Date Day.)
I called my MIL, asked her if somehow I had left it in her car. (We had rolled in her new Benz over to Happy Hour.) She checked and said, "Nope, its not here sweetie." Should have been my first clue, why was she calling me sweetie?? I continued to look. I called American Express to see if there had been any charges. None. Okay, well cancel it anyway. I looked for another hour. Tearing my house apart. You know with that bottomless knot in your stomach feeling? Ugh.
Something made me call my MIL back. Can you please check your car again?? She called me back two minutes later. "Ooops, sweetie, I must have walked out with your handbag." HUH? My handbag was swiped by my very own mother-in-law. She knew I had all of my earnings from the yard sale the day before and she swiped my handbag with more than $100 cash in it. On accident? I don't think so. So next time you have a monster-in-law story to share, my question to you is "Has she ever stolen your handbag?" True story.
Ha. Ha. Ha.
Something made me call my MIL back. Can you please check your car again?? She called me back two minutes later. "Ooops, sweetie, I must have walked out with your handbag." HUH? My handbag was swiped by my very own mother-in-law. She knew I had all of my earnings from the yard sale the day before and she swiped my handbag with more than $100 cash in it. On accident? I don't think so. So next time you have a monster-in-law story to share, my question to you is "Has she ever stolen your handbag?" True story.
Ha. Ha. Ha.
I adore my mother-in-love. She is the best and we were cracking up for the rest of the weekend that she walked out of my house with my handbag and didn't even realize it. I just kept calling her a thief, asking her what she was going to steal next. My china? It was pretty funny.
Now I know your all wondering about the giveaway. Well its not mine but I'd like to mention it...
Pink and Polka Dot is offering a blog makeover by
Now I know your all wondering about the giveaway. Well its not mine but I'd like to mention it...
Pink and Polka Dot is offering a blog makeover by

Go over there and check it out. But beware. I want this one.
If she got the handbag, you get the car right??? sounds only fair to me!
LOL! That is too funny. I'm glad it was her and not a stranger. Ummm...margaritas sound so good right now. It has to be happy hour somewhere right now.
Ahhh I miss those margaritas!!! Maybe we'll have to head over to El Torito one of these days and meet you guys for a few!!!!
I'm glad you got your hand bag back. Can't imagine how stressed you were!!
Hey, just wanted to say thank you for commenting about my post over at Inspired R today - I agree with you about being hospitable! It has to come first.
That is sooo funny!
So funny! My husband got his PANTS stolen at work the other day!!! (A real thief in the locker room while he was playing bball). He had to walk to his office across campus in shorts and his trenchcoat!!! Yesterday, the thief returned his pants to the locker room (plus his watch and key). Go figure.
Cute story, and my fingers are crossed for you re: the blog makeover. I won one of those months ago and it was so fun to revamp my blog! :) Enjoy your weekend.
Just stopping by to say Hi! What a funny story! Hey, I'd be tempted with a $100 take, too!
Never tried a mango margarita but it sounds sublime.
I could use a blog makeover....
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