Along with a blogging break, I seemed to have taken a break from taking pictures as well. But I did find these shots on my camera from a few weeks ago. All three boys, on my bed, in their jammies. Doing what they do best; laughing and wrestling.

And though most of the shots are a bit blurry or someone’s head is cut off in most of them, they just made me smile this morning. {sigh} Smile and think.
When I drop Monkey off at school in the morning I see all of the “big kids” heading off to their days without a Mom at the gate saying “I love you.” Instead I see them with cell phones texting who knows what, to who knows who. And it just reminds me, these days are limited. My walks up to the gate-numbered. All three boys having a good time in my room- circumscribed. These are fleeting moments. I have to consciously tell myself to enjoy the moment, stay in the moment and relish it because so often I am doing laundry, or getting lunches packed, or making sure that homework is signed or the Share Bag is ready to go. Along with checking the weather channel and the online banking site, and the ever progressing to-do list for the next day just grows and grows. But then, every once in a while, I remember to grab the camera while the boys are doing just what boys do. Laughing, Wrestling, Reading, Jumping.
And these two? These two are joined practically every waking moment. The big brother, the caretaker, guider, protector. And the littlest brother always the student. They are so close even at this young age. When Bogie gets up the first thing he does is check on his baby brother. I love to hear their sounds coming from the nursery.

And then I pray. Pray that they will always find time for each other. Pray that they will always put the other first, above friends and girlfriends. (Wives will one day take the number one spot.) Pray that the protector, my Lion Heart will always look first before leaping because his little brother is watching. Pray that my Leader will honor all that God has gifted him with, and that he will find the strength that I know is growing inside of him. Pray that my Baby will grow into a man with integrity who is not afraid of responsibility. 

And the weight of it all seems so heavy because I want the best for each of them. And I turn to Mr. Dunbar and he smiles and tells me to “Relax. To enjoy them, enjoy the day. That they will be boys.” I want to just throw my feet up in the air.

But then someone toots, or calls out a Potty Name and my work begins again. And I think, “God you must have some divine plan for these hooligans or a great sense of humor entrusting these smelly creatures to me. But I’ll take it, each and every moment with them. I’ll take it.”
‘For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ Jeremiah 29:11
~mrs. dunbar