Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Patch

We made the trek to the small church Pumpkin Patch near our house this past weekend. If you think trying to get 2 kids to look at the camera is hard try getting 3, its darn near impossible. I am going to start prepping my boys from here on out, “If you smile and get the good pictures mommy wants at the beginning then I’ll stop bugging you and you can go play.”

Anyhow here they are.


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This one is getting printed. IMG_2889.

Most of Popeye’s shots looked like this. “Tell that lady to get the camera out of my face!”IMG_2897

Do my kids just look so happy? And how about the Hawaiian shirt theme for the pumpkin patch?  Seriously, Mr. Weather Man please deliver some cool weather soon. IMG_2925IMG_2927

~mrs. dunbar


Nicolle said...

Love these shots, and the Hawaiian shirts at the pumpkin patch make me smile. Very cute! :) Boyd rarely looks at the camera, so I can't even imagine how hard it would be to get 3 to look. Like you said, impossible!

Lori said...

I've given up on getting posed pictures of my boys. I can't imagine trying with 3! We are almost always at the pumpkin patch in shorts, seems normal to me (o:

{cindy} said...

The first thing I noticed was the short sleeves...we wore fleece and jeans to the patch!!:)
love the photo you are printing.
have a happy day

Nancy said...

Oh my. I love these pics. I love it when they are young and the pumpkins are bigger than they are. Good times, my friend.
Funny note: when I saw your title: THE PATCH, I laughed because I have been calling my new post hysterectomy estrogen patch, "The PATCH."

Janna said...

Nancy is thinking estrogen patch, I was thinking birth control patch, but I'm so glad it turned out to be the pumpkin patch :)

Jensamom23 said...

We wore shorts to the pumpkin patch yesterday as well...I feel your pain. Looks like a fun time.