This morning, while playing club house on my bed, I draped the down comforter over both sitting boys. From the inside I hear "Mommy, put all the parts God gave you in here."
I smile to myself and ask Monkey, "What parts?"
"You know your tummy and legs and your face too."
"Oh, those parts, okay Monkey..."
A little while later, I am getting him something to drink.
He asks, "Would you like frosting?"
Huh? "No thank you"
Monkey continues to ramble "You know, the blue Gatorade is called Frost. I love frosting."
(Duh?!? )
While in the pool today.
"Mommy, do you know how to do the rocket ship?"
"No, Monkey. Only Daddy does that."
"Because he's a big strong daddy."
"Well aren't you a big strong Mommy?" (With the tone that a mother gives when saying "You can do anything you want if you set your mind to it.)
"I guess you're right, Monkey. I'll try."
What will this boy come up with next?

He is darling :)
He's a cutie!
He's you all over again. . . Everytime your dad and I leave your home after visiting with you and your family we just have the biggest SMILES. The boys are so PERFECT! It's like going back in time when we were mommy and daddy.
I always said God allows parents to become Grandparents so would never forget what a blessing OUR own children are. And if somewhere along the way in raising you kids we miss the boat or were just too busy working to make a living or too tired after cleaning, cooking and washing the laundy could have a second chance at enjoying what really matters in life . . .
GRAND-parent; meaning being a better parent the second time around. Thank you and our favorite son-in-law! (ha, he's our only son-in-law!) for always welcomming your dad and I into your home at a moment's notice, sometimes with out an invitations just because we NEED alittle loving from our ANGELS.
By the way, your both doing such a great job in raising the boys, they are always happy, clean, hair is always combed and they have prefect manners (that is becomming so rare these days, why?)
Well, I love this blogg stuff! It blesses us with the opportunity to see all our grands kids near and far at all hours of the day and night.
Hugs and Kisses,
Love Grandma Susie
So cute! I love your new blog design, btw! What a great look. Hope you're enjoying your summer. :)
I love it! It is so amazing what they come up with! I love that he is so "supportive" in his comments to you :)
I need some Monkey time!!!
oh, this made me laugh out loud (so much that i had to spell it out! ;) what a cutie! these are the things i thought i'd remember, and didn't write down, and now i'm afraid i've forgotten the world from their point of view... good for you for writing it down!! :)
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