When I had this blog redone and had those handy little button things put up there on top, I figured they would help me stay on some sort of track with what to write about or post. Topics that are important to me. Home Making, Lady Proclamations (speaking my mind), Raising Men, and Great Books to read (because I hate wasting my time and money.)Somehow I keep swaying back and forth on what I post up here on this
lil blog. Anyhow, one thing that is really important to both myself and Mr. Dunbar is
"raising men." I am
not raising boys
I am
raising men,
who will hopefully one day be warriors for God,
leaders of homes,
gentle lovers of wives,
and men of integrity.
This morning we went to Mr. Dunbar's office for the first time. Of course I starched them up real nice, well collared shirts and nice shorts. We stopped off and bought daddy a $3 plant. Before we got off of the car I reminded Monkey about introductions, and looking people in their eyes while giving a firm handshake. Yes, I gave this chat to a 3 year old. We play almost every waking hour at home, but when it comes to business, we talk business. We practiced two firm handshakes before we got off the car and then it was show time.
Monkey impressed everyone in Mr. Dunbar's office and thrilled his us, his parents. He walked up to everyone he saw, shook their hands, looked them in the eye, told them his name, how old he was, pushed his little brother into their eyesight, told them his little brother's name and how old he was. I didn't tell him to do any of that. I was amazed, as was Mr. Dunbar.
The icing on top of this was when Mr. Dunbar's boss's boss, came out of his office a second time, and says to Monkey, "I've got a cubicle back here with your name on it. You've passed the interview and we want to hire you." Just as one of Mr.Dunbar's coworkers is saying "You can tell his dad comes from sales." Everyone laughed, Monkey beamed.
It was one of those proud parent moments. But even more so, more importantly for Monkey, he learned first hand just how important that initial meeting is. He owned the room, not just because he's a cute 3 year old, but because he was friendly, charismatic, and personable. Characteristics I hope stay with him always.
Bogie did some wow things too, gave high 5's, waved hello, and smiled when he was being introduced by his big brother. Everything we hoped he would do.
My tip today on Raising Men: Teach them how important the initial meeting is.
Eye-contact , firm handshakes, and friendliness go a long way.