As always in the Dunbar home… a little snippet of keeping it real from Mother’s Day.
Someone was calling “MooooOOOOOMMMMM” from the crib at 5am. Someone else threw a bag at my face with a muffin baked probably a week ago, while I was still in bed. Another someone was pleading from the toilet for “Someone to wipe him.” Mr. Dunbar did relieve me of baby duty and let me sleep for an extra half hour, in which he did go get Starbucks. When I got up, the Nordstrom bag was waiting for me on the chair, with the running shoes I had requested, receipt and all. Since I slept in so late there was no time to wash and dry my hair so I threw it back into a pony as we headed to church. My mom and dad and MIL were in attendance and afterward we had a nice lunch at BJ’s while someone was always chasing the Chunk. Since it was a special occasion we had a pizzookie; sugar overload for my boys. All I wanted was a nap when we got home but everyone insisted on bouncing off the walls in their rooms. No naps were had by anyone so we decided to go on a bike ride. Bogie hit a rock and fell on the way back home. My plans of no dishes, no laundry, no floors were kicked to the curb by 5pm. If I didn’t start now, I’d only pay for it later. At 7pm Mr. Dunbar and I put on a movie, (original Karate Kid… a real chick flick) so I could somewhat relax while folding laundry. The Joy.
Every day is Mother’s Day. Every day someone is calling me, tugging on me, needing me in some way for some reason. So while it wasn’t an ideal Mother’s Day, it was a day for me to reflect on these boys of mine that have made me a mom; each of them with their little quirks and smirks make me laugh and drive me crazy. And I know some day I’ll get the day off to go shopping or actually get to sleep in. For now I’ll take the craziness that consumes our days.

My Mother’s Day may have not been the Hallmark movie that we all envision, we are actually more like the Comedy Channel around here, but it was in fact perfect. Dunbar Style.