Okay, so it has been forever since I last posted. I even missed my Sunday Thought.
We, in the Dunbar home, have been super ill. Remember on Valentine's Day how I was changing diarrhea diapers? Yeah... well those lasted like TEN days. Along with crazy coughs, volatile sleeping, spiking fevers, and enough boogers to fill a bathtub... you get the picture don't you?
Then this past Sunday, Mr. Dunbar's dearly beloved Auntie Jean, who was 106, passed away. Family is coming into town today throughout the weekend.
So if I haven't called you back or emailed you or Facebooked you I will in a few days.
Hope all is doing well and I will try and find some more interesting things to post other than our sickness very soon.
4 months ago
It's like that here but without the diarrhea (knock on wood). I hope everyone is starting to feel normal again.
Sorry about your aunt. I'll keep you all in my prayers.
And 106? What an amazing life.
Peace to you and yours,
So sorry to hear about the bugs in your house! We're dragging anchor here, too with the fever virus.
Enjoyed your comments about Facebook! And the part about God's hand in all of it was exactly what I was thinking! You bless, friend.
So sorry to hear that you are STILL sick! Also, extremely sorry to hear about Auntie Jean....I hope I can live to be 106. Let me know if you need anything, for the weekend besides a Happy Hour! ;)
Hey Irene, sorry to hear how hectice life has been. Boy I remember those days! Anyways, could I tempt you with a little lovin home cooked meal by Theresa? Anything sound good to you. Let me know. I'll even make a dessert for Monkey. Drop me a line.
Sorry to hear about Scott's Aunt.
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