I don't know about you but I am ready for this year to be over.
Yup. '09 was not my favorite year of any.
So I am looking forward to 2010.
I think I'll pronounce it "twenty-ten."
I like the way that sounds. Already have my Resolutions and Goals swirling around in my head, haven't exactly narrowed my "word" for the year yet, but that should be decided upon soon. Mr. Dunbar and I will have our annual Goal Setting meeting soon, probably this weekend. Some years this meeting has been fun, some years this meeting has turned into disaster, but all years it put's us back on the same page. Which is kind of important in a marriage. I like that, being on the same page with the same goals as Mr. Dunbar. I'm thinking we may even include Monkey in a few of the goals we have for him. Perhaps one or two, he's turning into such a big boy. I don't really like it, but such is life, one day he will be a man leading his own family. sigh...
Maybe I'll even write them out in a new way this year instead of my typical list format. If I was creative I'd make a "rap song" out of them. Ha. Not really, just checking to see if you were still reading.